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The Limes College

Alternative Provision




We aim to improve the confidence and mathematical knowledge for every student who attends The Limes College by identifying and working to fill in the specific gaps they have, as well as motivating each individual to work hard in lessons and complete homework to achieve their full potential. Schemes of Works are working documents that are constantly changing to allow new ideas and methods to improve their learning experience as well as supporting each individual to obtain their true potential.


We aim to prepare students for life by giving them the ability to problem solve, practice real life mathematical skills, improve on sitting exams as well as increasing resilience and independence .In addition to this, Key Stage 3 will be able to return with more confidence to mainstream school and by the end of Key Stage 4 students will have the opportunity to obtain various qualifications including: Functional Skills Mathematics, iGCSE Mathematics and GCSE Mathematics.



All students will have their level assessed through an IAP (Individual Action Plan) using a range of arithmetic tests and GCSE benchmark papers which will inform the department of each student’s initial target qualification. Both students and teachers will continuously be assessing progress through check lists for each qualification and students will sit exams when they are ready. Students will then move onto the next qualification level and this will continue until each individual has reached their highest grade.


For the majority of the time, students will have adapted individualised work with each student being able to work at a level that consolidates their knowledge as well as setting challenges for them to improve their mathematical understanding, confidence and attainment level. Students are taught at their own pace and will learn the skills, fluency, applications, reasoning and problem solving for each topic. They will also have opportunities to experience the practical side of mathematics which can range from shopping, to cooking, to measuring rooms.


The department delivers vocabulary intervention to the whole school to help students with understanding and knowledge of mathematical terminology. Students also have the opportunity to interlink cross curriculum when preparing and running cake sales for charities such as Macmillan as well as celebration events such as Diwali.


All topics are taught using various resources including: textbooks, worksheets, workbooks, Google Classroom, Mymaths, Maths Genie, On Maths, past paper questions and practical activities to allow each student the opportunity to learn using the method they find most comfortable and beneficial.


The maths department also provide twilight sessions for students sitting exams as well as catch up sessions for students who need extra support. There is also the opportunity for students to attend before school where they have the opportunity to consolidate their maths.



Students will increase their confidence in mathematics and gain a much broader knowledge across all mathematical topics. They will be able to use the skills and knowledge gained in other subjects, further education, and work as well as real life situations both now and in the future.


Key Stage 3 students will be better prepared for a return to mainstream school with greater subject knowledge. They will also have the opportunity to gain some qualifications by sitting Entry Level Functional Skills.


Key Stage 4 students will progress in qualifications according to each students ability and as their confidence and knowledge increases they will have the opportunity to achieve Level 1 and 2 Functional Skills, iGCSE and GCSE which will enable them to move on to their preferred destination after Year 11.

Contact Us

The Limes College, Robin Hood Lane,
Sutton SM1 2SD


The Limes College is part of Alternative Learning Trust which is a charitable company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Company Number 11788031 Registered office: Sutton West Centre, Robin Hood Lane, Sutton SM1 2SD